
Saturday, October 25, 2003

Changing Processes 

My reason for distinguishing between evil processes and evil people (see posting below on Childs's murder) was to better focus on the issue of responsibility. The police officer in charge should be fired but that would only accomplish so much. The goal is to better train the police force and to transform it into an agency that is working for all people.

This brings to mind the story of the elephant and the three blind men. The three blind men are trying to identify a beast (actually an elephant) and the first blind man touches the elephant's leg and says that the elephant is a large pillar. The second blind man goes to the trunk and declares the elephant to be a large tube of some sort. Well, the third blind man sticks his hand in the elephant's ass and all he knows is that it's full of sh**. The police department system is "the beast" and it is up to the police along with the community to determine what it should be and how it should function.

Another reason for looking at evil processes instead of evil people is that firing the police officer is actually the easy way out. I say the entire police force has to change and part of this change is becoming more community centric. After the civil insurgence (some people call them riots) in Los Angeles after the Rodney King beating, the police force had to make some changes and part of it did. In parts of South Central Los Angeles, the police has been restructured so that police officers are assigned to particular areas of town and trained on how to function as a community friend, not an enemy to be feared. When I saw this with my own two eyes, I was shocked. The people of Denver need such a change and should demand it.


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