
Thursday, October 02, 2003

Intelligence Leak 

Dubbya is going to be eating Thanksgiving dinner at the Bush family's kids table again if his daddy finds out he's been giving up CIA operatives. But that's the least of his problems if the leak leads back to the Oval Office.

Don't they make whole movies about this? Where the good guys are trying to keep the bad guys from obtaining the secret list of undercover agents?

And all the White House has to do is punch in a few codes then call up their local news reporter to exact revenge for some unruly comments about the President's faulty assertion about WMDs (see Vulf's Sept. 30 posting for definition)?

And let's not foget about the reporter. What the hell was he thinking? He's just as culpable as any of the White House sources.

This may be Bush's final undoing.


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