
Friday, January 02, 2004

Fuck Favre Idolization 

NFL players have family members that die all the time and most commentators don't make a big deal about it. So what gives? Apparently Favre is the new Great White Hope. Only now, Favre is a new kind of hero -- one who is given permission to fuck up occasionally. One stupid ass commentator went as far as to say that Favre was the new face of the NFL because he was graceful in the way he bounced back from alcoholism and pain pill popping.

But what are you talking about, LOBO, Brett had a fabulous game against the Raiders and Broncos? So? The Raiders are a skeleton of themselves from last year and the Broncos didn't even bother to send in their best players with an eye to the playoffs, so the victories weren't really that spectacular. The Cardinals' win over Minnesota to allow the Packers into the playoffs was spectacular.

Here's another perspective. When Michael Jordan's father passed away, the media made up some wild story that somehow MJ's gambling had something to do with the random carjacking and murder of his father. Could you imagine someone in the press saying something like that about Favre? Hell no. That's a double standard that is based on race and culture. Favre's dad dies and all of a sudden he is JFK Jr. in his little suit saluting his daddy. If Ray Lewis had a close family member pass away the media would ask him if he did it.


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